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Dog Training Collar Secrets

Dog Training Collar Secrets

Secrets You Didn’t Know About Your Dog Training Collar Training collars are an effective way to develop your dog’s behavior and obedience.

There are three main types of dog training collars and each type must be used correctly to get the results you want without harming your dog.

Sliding collars (choke chains)
Perhaps the most common dog training collar, it is designed to allow the trainer to quickly close the collar around the dog’s neck and release it. Dogs learn not to repeat the behavior when they sense the chain is close.

A sliding collar should be placed on the dog correctly, so that the end of the lead comes around the back of the dog’s neck. This allows the chain to quickly slacken when released. When training, pull quickly and then add slack to the lead whenever you need to correct the behavior.

The consequences of not using a sliding collar correctly can be disastrous. Do not pull the lead forcefully, just enough for the dog to pay attention. Also, you should not continue to pull on the lead for too long.

Prong Collar (Pinch Collar)
Similar to a slip collar in design, prong collars have prongs on the inside of the collar. When the lead is pulled, the prongs apply pressure to the dog’s neck. Unlike a slip collar, a prong collar has limits on how tightly it can be secured around the dog’s neck.

Many owners are concerned about prong collars because of the impression that the prongs are stabbing the dog’s neck. In fact, a prong collar, with its limited circumference and even pressure distribution throughout the dog’s neck, is at least as safe as a slip collar.

Electronic Dog Collar (E-Collar)
An e-collar is similar to a regular dog collar, but it has an electrical system that can deliver a sensation to the dog. Using a remote control, the trainer can deliver a small charge through the e-collar whenever behavior correction is needed.

An e-collar is an ideal way to train your dog off-leash. Incorrect behavior is addressed immediately, so your dog quickly and easily learns the correct action, without the need for a guide to pull on it.

In all cases, it is important that you only use dog training collars when training and while you are keeping your dog fully supervised. Leaving the training collar on when you are not working with your dog can lead to serious accidents. Each time you are finished training, remove the training collar from your dog and replace it with a regular collar.

The dog training professionals at Alpha Paws can help you determine the best dog training collar for your needs.

Dog Training Collars – The Right Choice Leads to Training Success
Choosing the right training collar can have a huge impact on the success of any dog ​​training program. Most new dog trainers make the mistake of choosing a dog collar that does not allow for adequate control during training sessions.

In nearly four years of working with dogs, I have seen dog collars of many sizes and shapes. From head leaders to prong choke collars, the options available to dog owners are endless. However, in my training experience, I have never seen a dog training collar as effective as a classic choke collar.

A basic choke collar is an effective training tool that can be used on almost any size dog (for very small dogs, a nylon dog collar may be preferred). When used correctly, correction and response to the dog is almost instantaneous.

The key to using a choke collar effectively is to keep the dog’s collar loose when the dog is exhibiting the appropriate behavior. For example, if the dog is swaying without pulling forward, the choke collar should remain loose.

If the dog begins to move forward, a quick “snap” or tug on the collar will let the dog know that an unwanted behavior has occurred. Once the dog’s behavior is corrected, the collar is loosened again.

Using the tug and tug technique, the dog quickly learns to associate good behavior with a loose collar. If the collar is constantly kept tight, the dog will only learn to fight the feeling of choking.

No matter what type of collar you choose, it is essential that the dog collar fits properly and gives you, the trainer, maximum control over your dog.

Tips for Choosing and Buying the Right Dog Training Collar
Given the wide variety of dog training collars, owners need to be adequately informed to make the right choices. Here are some things to consider when looking for the right collar for your dog.

1. Type
1.1 Electronic dog collar – This type uses electronic signals to eliminate unwanted behaviors in the dog. For example, it will deliver a shock every time the dog barks.

1.2 Buckle collar – As the name suggests, this collar is attached using a buckle. It is usually made of leather, nylon or cotton and can be rolled or flattened. Like many collars, this one is adjustable. Round buckle collars have the main advantage of eliminating the possibility of hair breakage.

1.3 Choke collar – This is the most commonly used metal collar for both traditional and modern dog training, especially the jerk and praise method. In this method, the dog is pulled whenever he disobeys the command.

2. Collar size – If the collar is too small, the dog may choke, and if it is too large, the dog may easily slip out of it. The collar should be of sufficient size to provide comfort and safety.

To get the right size, it is best to measure the dog’s neck first and give 2 to 3 inches instead of adjustment. To check if it fits, there should be a gap of 2 to 3 inches between the dog’s neck and the collar.

3. Dog Breed – There are many generic collars for all dog breeds. But just for fashion purposes, there are some highly specialized and trendy dog ​​collars that are specifically designed to amplify the look of a particular breed.

For example, small dogs look good on spiked collars while toy dogs look trendy with collars studded with lace and stones. But if the collar is custom

For function only, the collar’s ​​uses and durability should be prioritized.

4. Fur

Dog Training Collar Secrets
4.1 Fur Color – For some people, wearing a collar should be somewhat fashionable. If you want the best of both worlds – a training collar and a fashion collar,

you should learn to match the fur color with the color and material of the collar. Just like matching your clothes, the color should blend well so that it is as pleasing to the eyes as it looks good on the dog.

4.2 Fur Type – Your choice of collar should also depend on the type of fur your dog has. It is recommended to get a flat collar for dogs with short fur to reduce markings and a round collar for dogs with long fur as this will prevent the fur from flattening and breaking.

4. Budget – As a general rule, it is always best to look at the item first before checking its price as this practice usually gives one a better judgement on what looks good on the dog. However, you don’t have to spend a fortune to give your dog a good collar.

For training collars, function comes first before anything else, and sometimes you have to invest some good money for function alone. If you’re on a budget, it’s best to do your research first before you reach your choice.

Throwing in a few extra dollars can mean the difference between sacrificing the quality of the item and saving a few pennies.

What’s the Best Dog Collar
Dog collars come in a variety of colors, styles, and even functions. There are obedience or choke collars, bark control collars, flea collars, and a whole host of dog-only collars. So which one should you choose?

If barking is a problem, a bark control collar may do the trick. Bark control collars use two types of bark detection, either an external sound or vibrations from the dog’s throat.

Neither type is completely infallible; the vibration type can be adjusted by motion and the sound type by external sounds other than the dog’s barking. However, both have proven effective in helping to control your dog’s barking in a humane way.

The best collars use both methods at the same time to reduce ‘false’ readings and help control barking.

But once your dog has stopped barking, what should you consider in a dog collar?

One of the basics of a dog collar is to make sure it is personalised and has your dog’s name and contact details engraved somewhere on the collar or on a tag.

This will make it easier for someone to contact you if your dog gets lost. It can also help keep your dog calm in what can be a stressful situation. While your dog may be amongst strangers, they will know their name from their collar and will feel less threatened if called.

Leather makes an excellent dog collar. It is very strong, very durable, weather resistant and comfortable for your dog. There are flat collars for short-haired dogs, and round collars for long-haired dogs.

This is to stop the hair from breaking around your dog’s neck. Try to keep the collar as thin as possible while still maintaining strength for your dog’s comfort.

Finally, choose a dog collar that suits your dog’s personality and size. After all, it is part of your dog’s image!

Dog Training Collar – Making Your Dog More Manageable

Dog training collars have always seemed so mean to me, especially choke collars.

I had one for my dog ​​when I was a kid. My dad used them to train my dog. Apparently, as the breeder and trainer said, they were the only truly effective means of training your dog.

My dad was gentle with us though. A little tug to get the point across and my dog ​​was sure to respond.

However, I have seen people be positively aggressive with them; to the point where the dog yelped in pain.

This is of course not surprising when the dog is lifted off its feet by a chain choking the air out of it.

To me, the whole dog training collar thing seems to contradict a lot of other things I have read.

Everyone seems to say that you shouldn’t yell at your dog when they do something wrong, but instead show them the right behavior and praise them for it.

To that end, the choke collar seems a little out of line.

Dog Training Collar Secrets

I’m not positive but I’m pretty sure that choking your dog, either slightly or almost to the point of death, cannot be considered positive reinforcement.

There must be other dog training collars that work just as well, but, again, probably not because the chocker seems to be the most prevalent.

I just learned of other atrocities in this area, as my friend sitting next to me just told me

The fact that some collars have studs so that when the owner chokes the dog, the dog is also stabbed; sounds humane and effective doesn’t it?

Using an electronic dog collar to train your dog

A dog is man’s best friend. Dogs protect him and his home. The dog owner has responsibilities too, such as food, shelter, training, and even making sure the dog is fitted with the right collar.

Electronic dog collars are one of the most popular training tools.

Electronic dog collars help correct bad behavior in a dog, train it to obey in a certain way (even when off-leash), and warn it of danger by sending signals, essentially electronic shocks, from a transmitter to a receiver.

The shock level can be adjusted for different sizes of dogs and there are collars available in many different shapes and sizes.

Eventually, the dog will learn to avoid the misbehavior and an electronic collar will no longer be necessary.

For those who don’t like the idea of ​​shocking their dog electronically, there are collars that simply send out warning tones.

Studies show that misbehavior in dogs is quite normal – barking at the mailman, jumping on a visitor, digging a hole in the backyard, and even running after a jogger.

But these behaviors can be excessive and annoying, causing accidental energy outbursts, property damage, and harm to others and even the dog itself.

Electronic dog collars have been developed to help dog owners prevent these problems and are particularly effective in small dogs.

Although the electrical pulses may seem painful, they allow the dog owner to teach the animal without yelling or hitting.

To use an electronic collar effectively, first let the dog adjust to the sensation around his neck and then make sure to keep the transmitter with you at all times, it is a powerful device.

Use the lowest possible stimulation level – only if your dog does not respond to the shock level should you increase the level. If the dog panics or starts vocalizing, reduce the stimulation of the dog.

When the dog is displaying aggressive behavior, such as biting, do not use the electronic collar.

This type of behavior is best suited for a professional trainer. And do not use the collar arbitrarily – only when you want to deliver a command that you plan to teach the dog, if you use one.

Furthermore, training sessions should be in places familiar to your dog and should be short, lasting 10 to 15 minutes, and positive.

The dog’s focus should be on the trainer and any good behavior should be rewarded with play or treats.

Do not abuse or overuse the e-collar, this is animal abuse, a crime that could land you in jail. Remember, a dog is man’s best friend.

Why get cheap dog training collars

Is it worth investing in training your dog? Yes. Is it worth investing a lot of time? On some occasions, no.

It’s okay to buy expensive dog collars if you want to. There are plenty of options for you.

From studded collars to stylish dog collars, you can get anything by spending a fortune.

However, for some owners, it’s never practical to spend a lot on an item that can be had for much less with basic functions.

Dog training can be quite stressful especially if your dog is highly independent and has a high level of curiosity which tends to cause behavioral problems for their owners.

After investing in training your dog without satisfying results – including emotional and financial investment –

Many owners tend to spend a lot less on other things that do not contribute to improving the dog’s behavior. A good example is a dog training collar.

For many owners, it doesn’t make much sense if the dog is not responding well to training and its accessories, especially when the dog starts to nibble on the corners of the dog’s collar.

What matters most to them is improving behavior and not really how expensive or sophisticated the collar and other accessories are.

While dog collars play a fundamental role in getting better control and less unwanted behaviors in dogs, expensive collars can cut into the owner’s budget.

This is why many owners turn to cheap dog training collars as good alternatives without having to sacrifice the item’s functionality and without having to increase the financial burden.

To get a cheap collar that is a good value, it is best to first evaluate the product before considering its cost.

A common mistake among buyers is to use cost as a basis for evaluating the value of an item based on its functionality and reliability.

Cost is a good margin for getting the right collar but it shouldn’t affect the way one views the item.

For example, a premium collar can give the best value at the lowest possible price.

Dog Training Collar Secrets

However, since it is marked at a low price, the buyer will immediately conclude that it doesn’t work well.

Remember, we’ve been led to believe that price equals quality. Items on the lower end of the price spectrum are of lower quality while items with higher price tags are of better quality.

This usually happens but it’s not always the case. So make sure you find the best deals at the best prices.

Advanced technology built into collars often commands much higher prices.

The popular electronic dog collar is a good candidate. This collar ranges in price from $100 to $999 depending on the types of features installed in the item.

You can expect much higher prices when more advanced technologies are used in making the collars.

A dog collar can cost a few hundred dollars and many people find it extremely impractical to buy items at such high prices.

So if you are someone who wants to be practical while trying to get a cheap dog training collar, it is best to do your homework.

Types of Dog Training Equipment

In dog training there are tools that you cannot do without. The basic functions of dog training equipment may vary but they have individual functions that will help you control your dog, make dog training easier or make the process faster.


The average dog trainer will not buy any other training aids but will definitely engage in the use of collars.

Dog collars come in different types with different functions, materials and appeal.

In terms of function, the usual varieties include choke collar, chain, martingale collar, speaker collar, shock collar or electronic collar.

As for the materials used to make a dog collar, the most popular ones are leather collars, nylon collars, fabric collars and metal collars.


A popular alternative to dog leashes, a harness is a training device that is usually used with or in place of dog collars.

This distributes the pulling force and thus prevents the possibility of choking and can also prevent the chances of a dog slipping when using a collar alone.

However, dog harnesses are not usually used to train regular house dogs, instead, dog training aids are used in service dog training and assistance dog training.

Leash or Lead

It is usually made of leather or rope that is attached to the dog’s collar for better control or restraint.

However, there are some leashes that are wrapped around the dog’s neck which

Eliminates the use of a collar.

There are several types of leashes according to length – extra short, short, belt leash and extended leash.

The differences in sizes make for easier training depending on the distance the handler wants.

For better control, tighter leashes are recommended while longer leashes are best for distance training.


For dogs that have unwanted biting and barking habits and need training to eliminate these behaviors, a dog muzzle is the most reliable type of dog equipment.

This is also used for aggressive and dangerous dogs to prevent any damage that dogs can do with their mouths.

The muzzle is placed over the dog’s mouth to prevent it from opening its mouth.

Dog muzzles can vary depending on the degree of freedom the device gives the mouth, the construction material or the shape. They can be made of plastic, nylon, wire or leather.

Bait Pouch

It is common for dog trainers to put dog treats inside their pockets, but this can sometimes be inconvenient.

Its main drawback is that some owners may take time to get the desired reward, which delays the purpose of the reward.

For better convenience, trainers are advised to purchase a training bait bag.

This is a regular bag made of cloth that is tied around the trainer’s waist for easy access to treats.


This is a headgear and a type of collar that is primarily used to guide, train and tie an animal for easier control.

It is worn over the dog’s muzzle and fits over the back of the head so that when the trainer pulls the dog’s head, it will follow the direction of the pull.

Dog training equipment has different purposes, constructions and names.

A single device simply cannot accomplish all the work of different equipment.

Thus, it is useful for handlers to determine the exact use of the equipment first before purchasing one.

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